About Post-Secondary Advisement Plans (PSAP), Annual Reporting, and Student Success Plans

A Post-Secondary Advisement Plan is a plan that is created by a school district or charter school that describes the targeted supports, activities, experiences, lessons and advisement that every student will receive from 8th grade to 12th grade. The plan is designed to help students make a successful and informed transition to their post-secondary goals.

The Student Success Plan is a student’s plan developed from 8th to 12th grades that consists of his/her post-secondary goals that are formed based on the activities, experiences, lessons and advisement that they received. As they enter 12th grade, these experiences will help them be ready to successfully transition to their post-secondary goals.

Annually, districts and charters submit a Post-Secondary Advisement Plan Report. The report is a reflection of the successes, challenges, and revisions to their plans they propose for the upcoming school year to improve their post-secondary advisement plan.

Check out the specific resources below that will assist Post-Secondary Advisement Planning.

Support for Creating the Annual PSAP Report:

Reports are filed annually based on the original plan submitted in June 2019. Revisions to the plans can be submitted along with the report in any given year. New charters will submit their first report 1 year after submitting their Post-Secondary Advisement Plan.

Key Dates: The Annual PSAP Reports are due June 30th each year to The Higher Education Office. Annual reports should be sent to: Leigh.Weldin@doe.k12.de.us

For 2020, due to issues relating to the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual reports deadline is extended to August 15, 2020.

Support for Creating the First Post-Secondary Advisement Plan:

A Post-Secondary Advisement Plan is a comprehensive district plan to summarize the supports provided to students in grades 8-12 to inform their individual career and educational goals and to help them develop the skills to succeed in those goals.

Key Dates: Initial plans were due June 30, 2019; New charters will submit their PSAP by June 30th of their inaugural school year.

The following are resources to support the writing of a Post-Secondary Advisement Plan.

Other Information

Dr. Scott Solberg, Boston University presented a session at the 2020 Delaware Student Success Conference on Unleashing the Power of Student Success Plans: Helping All Youth Become Future Ready. His presentation and additional resources around creating, implementing, and the impact of SSPs are excellent.

For more information, please contact Leigh.Weldin@doe.k12.de.us.