Join top high school students from all across the state for a week-long virtual program to help you prepare to get accepted into your dream colleges with the best financial aid possible.

Since 2016 the Delaware Goes to College Academy (DGCA) bootcamp has equipped nearly ONE THOUSAND Delaware students with knowledge and skills to navigate the college admission process towards one outcome – admission to a high quality college on affordable financial terms.

The program was co-founded by the Delaware Department of Education’s Higher Education Office and TeenSHARP, a Delaware-based national provider of college and career guidance.

2025 Academy Dates: April 21-25

Apply to be a part of the DGCA Virtual Bootcamp

Every year during the annual DGCA bootcamp TeenSHARP’s college admissions experts work with hundreds of high achieving students from diverse backgrounds from across the state to provide quality college advising. There is no cost to students to participate. DGCA is a virtual program.

Here’s what past DGCA bootcamp participants shared about their experience in the program:

My favorite moment is Day 2, where we debunked myths on the college application process.
I loved the break-out rooms with the panelists. And taking the form to assess our college readiness.
One of my favorite moments was when we were all in breakout rooms and we connected with each other and talked like we all knew each other. It was amazing how well everyone got along with each other and had similar goals.
My favorite moments were interacting with everyone in breakout rooms and just enjoying everyone’s presence and positivity. I will miss everyone here and I hope we all get to see each other in the future.
Wonderful experience, at first I thought 4 hours was absurd and didn’t want to do it, but I’m truly glad my parents made me.
I was not exactly open to the idea of spending 16 hours of my spring break doing this, but I think that this information is actually super helpful, especially information about scholarships and financial aid because that will be a big factor of college for my family and I.

What will students learn during the program?

During the Delaware Goes to College Academy you will:

  • Learn how the college admissions process works and how you can have an edge.
  • Assess your college readiness and create a plan to make the most of your high school years.
  • Meet representatives from a variety of top colleges and Universities.
  • Pick the right high school classes to be most competitive for college admissions.
  • Learn strategies that will help you earn top grades.
  • Find the best summer learning, leadership and extracurricular opportunities.
  • Connect with other college-bound students across the state.
  • Have your questions answered by college prep and admissions experts

Take a look at the financial aid session during the DGCA Bootcamp:

During the week-long bootcamp students and their parents will be invited to:

  • Virtual workshops, panels, and working sessions taking place Monday through Friday
  • A virtual college tour
  • A parent night to help parents understand how to make strategic choices in their children’s high school education to position them for affordable college admission
  • One-on-one and group college advising

Who is eligible?

The Delaware Goes to College Academy Bootcamp is open to all high school freshmen as well as sophomores and juniors with a 3.0 or higher GPA. For students interested in continuing participation in the year-long program, preference will be given to students from low-income households.

  • We highly encourage all current high school freshmen to register
  • Sophomores and juniors with a GPA of 3.0 or higher are encouraged to register

This program is designed for students of all racial/ethnic backgrounds.

What happens after the Bootcamp?

Selected participants will not only attend intensive programming during their spring break week, but they will also

  • receive access to the online library of resources they can use throughout the year to inform their college preparation and application process.
  • become a part of the community of high achieving students from various communities and backgrounds where they can have contact 24/7 with a virtual college counselor.
  • participate in virtual college visits featuring colleges and Universities that meet 100% of financial need for all admitted students.
  • attend college knowledge sessions, parent workshops and office hours with college experts.

Who covers the cost of the program?

All the expenses for this program are paid for through funding by the Delaware Department of Education’s Higher Education Office, TeenSHARP, Longwood Foundation, Welfare Foundation, WSFS Bank, Bank of America, and Laffey-McHugh Foundation.

Need more information?

If you have any questions, you may contact Ms. Sara Petty at or 302-899-7867 (texting only).

Apply to be a part of the DGCA Virtual Bootcamp